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Virtual hearing List

Notice:- Appellants and SPIOs/FAAs are requested to Download & Install Microsoft Teams App on thier Desktops/Laptops/Smart Phone and connect to the Hearing as per the schedule displayed in the causelist.
Attention : You must have a good and functional internet connection for connecting to this Virtual Hearing.
Thank you!

Date of Hearing Time of Hearing Name of the Court Link for Hearing
27.01.2025 11:30 A.M Sri Tripurari Sharan, SCIC MS team link for virtual hearing
27.01.2025 02:30 P.M Sri Tripurari Sharan, SCIC MS team link for virtual hearing
27.01.25 to 31.01.25 10:30 A.M Sri P.C Chaudhary, SIC MS team link for virtual hearing
27.01.25 to 31.01.25 02:30 p.M Sri P.C Chaudhary, SIC MS team link for virtual hearing
27.01.25 to 31.01.25 11.00 A.M Prakash Kumar, SIC MS team link for virtual hearing
27.01.25 to 31.01.25 02:30 P.M Prakash Kumar, SIC MS team link for virtual hearing

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