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Directory of the SPIOs & the FAAs of the PAs in Bihar

Patna High Court

Name of the Public Authority/Department/Office Name, Designation & Address of the SPIO Mobile/Tele. No. & Email of the SPIO Name, Designation & Address of the FAA Mobile/Tele. No. & Email of the FAA
High Court, Patna Shri Dadhich Narayan
SPIO & Joint Registrar (Judicial)
Patna Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Veerchand Patel Road Area, Patna, Bihar-800028
Shri Vijai Anand Tiwari
FAA & Registrar (Administration)
Patna Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Veerchand Patel Road Area, Patna, Bihar-800028
Advoctae General's Office, High Court Patna Shri Ajay Bihari Sinha
SPIO & State Advocate (Senior Advocate)
Patna Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Veerchand Patel Road Area, Patna, Bihar-800028
9471892067, 9835491148
Shri Sooryadev Yadav
FAA & Additional Advocate
Patna Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Veerchand Patel Road Area, Patna, Bihar-800028

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